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Tracy Parent Survey 2024-2025

Parents, this survey is to provide data for the school’s School Plan for Student Achievement.  Your input will assist in determining strengths and areas of need in school programs and curriculum.  Please complete one survey per family.  Thank you for your assistance.


Parent Survey 24-25
Answer Required
No Opinion
I am aware of child's reading level.
My child's reading skills are improving.
I am aware of the computerized programs available to my child (iReady, iStation, AR, myOn, etc.)
There are enough books and materials available for my child to improve their reading and writing skills.
I am aware of the ELPAC assessment and my child's scores.
I am aware of my child's English Language Development level.
I am aware of the specialized strategies used to support my child's English proficiency.
I am aware of what my child needs for reclassification.
My child's English language skills are improving.
I am aware of how my child is performing in mathematics.
My child's math skills are improving.
My child is able to complete math homework on his/her own.
A variety of materials are used to teach math in my child's classroom.
My child receives adequate instruction in health, mental health and anti-drug awareness.
My child receives adequate instruction in Social Studies and Science.
My child will benefit from after school academic programs that provide extra support.
My child has Internet access at home.
My child has access and can take his/her Chromebook home. and can take it home.
My child brings home books from the school library.
Tracy School provides after-school enrichment programs. (i.e. Chess Club, Cube Club, etc.)
It is important for our teachers a to attend training and workshops that help refine his/her teaching skills and help teachers learn necessary strategies and methodology to work with students.
I regularly listen to and read the parent messages sent via Parent Square.
Tracy School's Instagram and Website are current and informative.
The parent workshops offered at school are informative and of interest.
As a parent, I feel I attend an adequate amount of parent workshops.
I prefer to attend workshops in the morning: 8:30-9:30 a.m.
I prefer to attend workshops in the evening: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
I prefer to attend workshops in person.
I prefer to attend workshops virtually via internet (WebEx).
There are opportunities for parents to volunteer at school.
Parent conferences regarding my child's progress are necessary and important.